Greetings strangers. I know, its been quite some time since Ive been to this space.... but I guess my writings and ramblings parallel my sanity... they are sometimes in and they are often out. Anywho, these past few months have been filled with so much new, so much wondrous-ness, and occasional overwhelming-ness, that I just haven't found the time to be here. I guess it has been more that I haven't found the right time. Every moment I meant to write or share, the words just never seemed to come, so I didn't push them. But, I have been baking....a lot.... and I can't wait to share with you some of my new favorites in coming posts.
And We're Back!
Greetings strangers. I know, its been quite some time since Ive been to this space.... but I guess my writings and ramblings parallel my sanity... they are sometimes in and they are often out. Anywho, these past few months have been filled with so much new, so much wondrous-ness, and occasional overwhelming-ness, that I just haven't found the time to be here. I guess it has been more that I haven't found the right time. Every moment I meant to write or share, the words just never seemed to come, so I didn't push them. But, I have been baking....a lot.... and I can't wait to share with you some of my new favorites in coming posts.
Oatmeal to Go
Chocolate Pear Cake
Cozy Breakfast
handful of rolled oats (I have rather large hands)
1 teaspoon cinnamon
pinch of wheat germ
1/4 cup water
1/4 cup grated carrot
1/4 cup walnuts
1/8 cup raisins
1/2 cup vanilla soymilk
1/2 teaspoon fresh ginger, grated
pinch of salt
honey, to top it off
Start with a small saucepan. Turn the stovetop onto a low setting and place the oats, cinnamon, and wheat germ in the pan to toast them. After about 1 minute you can add the water and carrots. I like to let this cook for about a minute. I dont really know why... I just do it. Then go ahead and add the rest of the ingredients (except the honey) and let cook for about 10 minutes on low, covered. When the oatmeal is finished, wither add more soymilk if you like it runnier or cook the goodness with the lid off and it will become thicker. Top with honey and enjoy!
Music Pairing
I curled up in my chair with cozy socks and oatmeal in tow, so Jose Gonzalez seemed like the right fit the start of my oatmeal and foggy mornings. If I may suggest "Save Your Day" for obvious, oatmeal superhero-esque capabilities.
Im Borrowing: Lemon Lavender Shortbread

I chose to borrow Yummybooks lemon lavender shortbread mostly because they looked delicious, but it didn't hurt that we welcomed a new lavender plant to the garden the other day. And I must agree with this baker... use fresh. use fresh. use fresh lavender. The plant is beautiful and smells wondrous... not to mention it will withstand the sweltering hot California Valley heat that (knock wood) seems to have forgotten us this year. And of course it didn't hurt when I read she topped her cookies with sea salt. I love salt. Especially from the sea.

I thought I had my favorite shortbread recipe. This one, fairly thin and so flaky, is quite the contender. It will be served alongside peaches and vanilla ice cream for a dinner party tonight to make somewhat of a deconstructed peach pie. So fresh, so delicious.
Lemon Lavender Shortbread
8 Tablespoons (1 stick) unsalted butter
Music Pairing
Cherry Barley Scones, Oh My.
Ok. I'm exaggerating a bit. But just a bit. Our cherry season went wonderfully and I managed to can some jam (even though I heard my mother say the word botulism 567 times), dry some cherries, make a grain salad with them, and then of course were these delightful scones.
If you've been at the other end of my baking, you know I love cooking with kooky (as it may seem to some) ingredients. I love to try and obtain a depth and interesting flavor that is a little beyond the grasp of white flours and sugar. Not to say they aren't delicious! Please. I would never say that. I do love a wondrous and simple croissant of course. But, more than sometimes a little creativity is worth your pursuits, and I don't think that this recipe with fall short of meeting high expectations. I used barley flour here, which is a tinge sweet with a malty sort of flavor. Indeed, I think its my new fave. I should have a biscotti recipe also using this flour comin at ya very soon as well. But you know me.... maybe that happens.... maybe that doesn't. But until then, please try these...
Cherry Barley Scones
adapted from Good to the Grain
If you love cooking with whole grain flours, Kim Boyce's cookbook Good to the Grain is essential to have. It meets all my criteria for a great book, hitting the high mark in fields of photography, interesting and innovative recipes, and not to mention the pic of the author in the bck is adorable. And she looks happy too. What baker shouldnt look happy? Anywho, tangent, mangent.... Feel free to experiement with different types of jams you have on hand from the season. I would guess that peach, nectarine, and berry work very well also in this recipe.
to finish:
1/2 cup Cherry Jam
1 tablespoon unsalted butter, melted
1 tablespoon sugar
Les Directions:
Go ahead and set your oven to 350 degrees F. Rub a baking sheet with butta.
Sift all of your flours, sugars, powders, sodas, and salts into a bowl. Cut up the cold butter into small-ish chunks and add to dry mixture. Then you may either:
1. use your fingers, swiftly, to break butter into smaller pieces, resembling tiny pebbles or large-ish grains of rice. If you have hot hands.... forget about it and...
2. Use a pastry cutter or even a fork. This will buy you more time, not melting the butter while working.
Ok. Back to work. In a separate bowl, wish the egg and the buttermilk together. If you don't have buttermilk don't fret, just combine milk with a tablespoon or so of vinegar or lemon juice. Let it set for a minute et viola... your replacement for buttermilk.
Add the wet mixture to the dry and mix with a wooden spoon until just combined. Don't worry about leaving behind a few crumbleys. The less hands on time, the better the scones. Separate the dough in two. Turn the first of the two doughs onto a lightly floured surface. Flatten out to make a fairly thick round... about 1/2 inch. Do the same with the second dough. Now its time to make the scone sandwich. Spread the jam onto on one of the rounds and place the second on top. Cut into about six triangles and you are there. To finish, spread melted butta on top and sprinkle with some sugar.
Bake for about 20-30 minutes and enjoy!"Little Lion Man" by Mumford & Sons
Barley's a lil country and so are these guys.
My Favorite Breakfast
Seconds Please: Zucchini Spelt Bread
A Take On The Chocolate Chip
Earl Grey Tea Cookies
There is something so simple and beautiful about enjoying tea with friends. It just doesn't seem right to rush tea into to-go containers. It urges you to take the pot, and sit down a while... taking your time to enjoy your day... or trying to rectify a really bad one. Indeed, there just isn't anything like tea. The times we (Schmoopie et moi) pretended to be super fancy while attempting to solve all things life... we always did it over tea. and various pots of tea. and tea lattes. green tea cupcakes. lavender bread. and tea infused cookies. Well I guess that brings me to my recette. Le cookie du the. It is a take on shortbread, but with that great bergamot flavor from earl grey tea leaves. If you love tea.... this is a must. And if you don't... just give it a shot. They're truly special.
So have a treat, invite a friend over, and remind yourself sometimes you just need to take the time. So why not do it over deliciousness. Maybe the Brits did get something right afterall.
Ina separate bowl beat your butter up and then add in the vanilla and honey until combined. Finally add in your dry mixture until everything is uniform. Roll your dough into a log and place in the refridge. Wrap it up... in parchment or plastic, to avoid other smells being absorbed. Chill for about 30 minutes.
When ready preheat the oven to 375 degrees F. Remove the dough from the refridge and slice off quarter inch segments off the log. Place on a cookie sheet and bake for 8-10 minutes or until they just are turning brown. Enjoy... with tea.
Music Pairing
"Glamorous" by Fergie
This song always makes me think of my favorite tea friend. Too many good times were spent swifer-ing the floors and sipping tea over this tune. Plus, you cant help but feel first class fanciful with tea. and tea cookies.
I Did Not Bake This...
I repeat. I, Stephanie Stein did NOT bake this dense, delicious, walnut cranberry, whole grain loaf. But I wish I did. I did, however, take a crucial part in the consumption of it. And I'm damn proud of it.
Tarte au Citron REMIX
I think its partially because I have just wanted an excuse to make a tarte au citron. Ive been thinking about it since I left Paris and their cute little sunshine tartlets with "citron" written in a white chocolate cursive over their tops. My mom is going to kill me, when she sees yet another dessert sitting on the kitchen counter, waiting for her to make sure the lines from the last slice are as straight and clean as possible, usually meaning a sliver here and there to even everything out. Its true that the poor pies, tarts, crumbles, cobblers (not to be confused with the shoe man) always need a bit of help when it comes to upkeep and we, the Steins, have dedicated ourselves to never let one let itself go, you might say, until there isn't a crimbly crumb left. Its funny though how no frittata, Shepard's pie, or any of the like never needs any straightening like the glazed foodstuffs do. I guess sometimes you just do what you can, and when it comes to straight lines and the absence of crumbs, I guess we will just stick with the suga.
1/2 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
zest of one lemon, grated
1/2 cup raw sugar (such as turbinado)
6 TB butter
2 eggs
2 egg yolks
One pre-baked Almond Meal Tart Shell (recipe to follow)
You are ready to commence!
In a small saucepan, heat the lemon juice, zest, sugar, and butter until everything is melted together. Keep on low heat.
In a separate bowl whisk together your eggs and yolks. To this eggy mix add about a couple TB of the buttery sugary mix to temper. Once you have warmed the egg mix whisk the two mixes together in the saucepan over low heat. The mixture should thicken, but be sure to stir constantly and attentively so you don't get scrambled eggs.... not a welcome attribute of a tarte au citron I say.
Once you see whisk marks in your curd (this should have taken about 10 minutes), pour through a strainer right into your pre-baked tart shell. Let this set up for a couple hours so you have a nice sturdy tart. Finish with shaved white the frenchies on this one. Enjoy with puckered lips...
Ah, yes, to make the crust (or 2).....
Sweet Almond Tart Crust
adapted from Mr. Pierre Herme
Now, lets try something new. To get things just right when you are baking..whether it be bread or crusts, you need to start doing the gram things. I know, I know. I was intimidated at first too. But why? Its so easy. I guess it was letting go of my cute stainless measuring cups that I have grown accustomed to and reaching for my mom's digital scale that hasn't been used in a creep's age.* One definite benefit is the precise number flashing at you on the screen, ensuring accuracy time in and out. Yay for something new.
150 grams raw sugar (such as turbinado)
100 grams ground almonds
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla
2 large eggs
500 grams white whole wheat flour
Beat da butta. until creamy. Then add in your sugar, ground almonds, salt, vanilla, and eggs and beat on medium speed in a kitchen aid until things are just Incorporated. Then, take your flour and add, bit by bit, at a low speed. Et viola... you have your dough. Refrigerate at least for 2 hours or up to 3 days. This also keeps in the freezer....just transfer to the fridge about a half day before rolling.
When ready, preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
Now, formation. It depends what you are making the crust for, but for this particular recipe, I like to keep the dough fairly thick (around one inch) to counterbalance the intensity of the lemon. Flour your work space as needed, as well as the top of the dough. Roll dough out to desired thickness. Place in your desired vessel (mine was a medium sized square Pyrex) and it took approximately took 20 minutes to finish with a nice goldeny brown tone. Don't forget to stab the dough with a fork before baking. Once it has cooled, pour your citrus filling dans le centre et refridge ou mangez tout suite! Comme vous voulais....
Now... if you have managed to wait long enough to let your tart set, take a slice, turn on the aforementioned tune and skip around in circles trying not to stumble over your clumsy feet. There is nothing like good music, citrus tarts, sunshine, and a great spring day. If I ever open a cafe, each time someone orders a tarte au citron, the above will commence. They might think I'm a wacko, but again....I'm just gonna run with it.
*not exactly sure what this is suppose to mean....but just roll with it.
Homemade Wheat Thins
I am extremely close to getting banished from the kitchen. It isn't really the constant mess or flour, butter, and sugar's daily appearance on the grocery list. Its more my mom's (me too! me too!) sugar addiction. I'm not sure one would actually qualify it as a problem, per se, but we...

I used a pizza cutter and a straight edge to get these squares. Then I brushed the tops with olive oil and sprinkled them with salt .... the signature of the wheat thin. (Tip: It is easier to brush the dough with oil before you cut them, but be careful not to brush the sections that are leftover from the squares as you gather the misfits and roll those again to make even more)
I forgot to tell you earlier, but set the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Arrange the squares on a baking sheet and bake for about 15 minutes... although I check mine about every 10 minutes or so. They are done when they are golden brown.
Let crackas cool on a rack and Enjoy! Take that Nabisco.
Music Pairing
"Gone, Gone, Gone" from the soundtrack Crazy Heart. Because these thins aren't hanging around the kitchen for too long (forgive the corniness s.v.p.)... and like all the other music pairings... its just an excuse to post some more great music....or crappy stuff that I just like.
Blueberry Oat Pan-a-cakes

inspired by 101 Cookbooks' recette
I have been quite out of pancake practice, so my #1 mistake (in cooking et plus) is always being too impatient. When pouring the dough onto the hot pan, relax a bit until the top bubbles, then flip and let cook until the cake is done entirely through. The more patient... thus only flipping one time (it took me a couple tries to calm down a bit in anticipation) the more fluffy and airy. Happy Flippin.
1 TB ground flax seed
1/2 cup whole yogurt
1 egg

wait for it mr...... a tad longer...
Music Pairing
"At the beach" by the Avett Brothers
Blueberries and Oats make me whistle and smile. Listen and you'll understand.
*note. If you find it, for some strange reason, unnecessary to buy minimally processed sugar, start out swiping "Sugar in the Raw" from your local cafes and restaurants. Many US establishments have them, and once you have collected enough (I would say around 10 or 15 packets) you can start experimenting in this recipe and you will be won over for sure. Its so much better than its bleached distant cousin. Unless you try a souffle. That's for another time. I'm out... a la prochaine.
Le shortcake aux Fraises
I, Stephanie Stein, do love a dinner party. Or so it has been said.
Transfer the goodness to a floured, flat surface of choice and roll out the dough until it is about one inch thick. This is so much fun... flour in your hair, the air, everywhere really... Once you have it all nice and rolled then dip your circular cookie cutter (mostly any moderate size will do) in flour and cut up your lil cakes. Make sure when you press out the cakes that you press, then twist the cutter. This will give the cakes little ripples that will help it aerate and rise.
Et viola... le shortcake aux fraises:
Bon Appetit!
Music Pairing: "I Tought I Saw Your Face Today" by She & Him. Even though I sometimes think I am the only person on the planet that can be slightly irked by Zooey Deschanel, there is no arguing she is the cutest thing dans le monde. And you have to have cute music when eating shortcake and drinking tea. I tink it just goes.
A la prochaine.